Pedagogical Session MUSICLAB 2011 The modern trumpet.
The musician David Pastor explains us secret of the trumpet in a new pedagogical session Musiclab.
The content of the session was focused in the technical and melodic development of the trumpet as a soloist instrument. David Pastor showed us how can develop with the trumpet, technical of concrete study to expand the interpretative possibilities and attain a progressive musical speech and solvent. With one collect of concrete exercises and practical applications, using the different branches or schools of the instrument, that go since the classical studies to the applications of the traditional technicians to the modern repertoire of the jazz, the Valencian musician showed us how the relaxation and the interpretative efficiency sleep two of the pillars to attain a professional level, and like these technical can serve for single out the musical speech of a trumpeter. The wide interactive participation of the session, gives us tests of the interest that showed the session, with an active participation to the turn of questions for part of the viewers, that attended to the headquarters of Badalona and Sant Vicenç dels Horts. Turn of questions that did of this session a new success of Musiclab, beside the big audience via streaming, that obtained connections since Brussels and other European cities.

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Audition MUSICLAB 2011 Musical Tradition of the Arab culture.
The Audition Musiclab was a musical and cultural lesson of first order.
 Mohamed Soulimane, violin and Ayoub Bout, voice and lute, director and singer respectively of the Arab Orchestra of Barcelona (OAB), showed us some of the aesthetic and historical keys of one of the musical cultures more important of the Mediterranean. The explanations with regard to the big mosaic of styles and the technical resources and instrumental, together with the historical nuances and the i mark social of the styles and of the different representations of the Arab musician, provided us a small voyage for the north musicians of the Africa, to comprise of the fundamental shots of a full musician of rhythm and sensitivity.

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El baix dins d’un repertori vocal

amb Jordi Franco i Laura Jorda.

Musiclab desenvolupa la tercera sessió interactiva de la programació 2011 amb la participació dels alumnes del Centre d’Arts de Hospitalet de Llobregat i un grup d’alumnes de l’Escola de Música de Sant Vicenç dels Horts que van acudir al IE Bellvitge i a l’Auditori Molí dels Frares respectivament. El baixista Jordi Franco i la cantant Laura Jordan, artistes habituals en moltes sessions d’enregistrament i membres de formacions de directe d’artistes de primer nivell nacional i estatal, ens van mostrar que amb quatre cordes i una magnifica veu podem recorre un ampli ventall de músiques que van del Pop al Blues.

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Musiclab desenvolupa la segona sessió interactiva de la programació 2011 amb un contingut molt instructiu. Aleix Tobias ens detalla els secrets de la percussió ibèrica i les particularitats i els origens d’instruments tradicionals que en la actualitat estan en plena evolució. Molts músics tornen la mirada a la història per a recollir una tradició musical que ens donen les claus de les arrels culturals de la actualitat per dotar de sentit, d’eines artístiques i noves camins de creació als artistes del present i sobretot dotar d’un ampli catàleg d’informació acurada i de qualitat als nous valors de futur.

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This 10th of February, Musiclab made the first experimental session of 2011. The team members, with the collaboration of i2cat Foundation and Iglor, faced the challenge that musical interpretation on the Internet brings.

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First interactive pedagogic session of MUSICLAB 2011 programme.
Online interactive musical pedagogic activity

The first session of Musiclab 2011 was remarkable from our point of view and the students of the two centers involved. The connexion from the studio at Citilab-Cornellà was made with the “Sala Salamandra” in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat with the participation of students in the style of percussion, and students from the “Centre d’Arts” of the same town.

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