MUSICAL FUSION 10.000 Km apart
Posted by alexserra on Nov 17, 2010 in Blog | 0 commentsThis experiment consolidate Musiclab as a pioneer project in creation, investigation and production of new cultural formats. Music and technology at the service of communication between culturs, with the objectives of generating participatory networks, and the cultural interaction between different musical lenguages.
The pilot is part of the programme Workshop about the Cultural Heritage of the Scenic Arts via the Internet of the Future that takes place at the Advanced Institute of Science and Technology of Korea (KAIST). The event had the virtual presence of Santi Sánchez and Sergio Ramos, propeller of Musiclab.
Two centennial arts learn to improvise together
From the studio at Citilab, the Musiclab team and i2cat took care of the audiovisual production and the connectivity of this “jam session”. Trying to find a musical contact point between two different cultures playing live from Cornellà de Llobregat and South Korea through the Internet, thanks to connexions of the TEIN3 net and GEANT net.
The collaboration reciprocal: while the two catalan musicians were playing at Citilab, a group of Korean musicians, directed by Byunggon Kim, leader of the Musicipal Orquestra of South Korea Daejeon Yeonjeong, were improvising pansori fragments. After, the roles changed and it was the Asian musicians who started with a melody so that the Musiclab members could incorporate the rhythm to the interpretation.
The jam was based on a rhythmic groove from the flamenco style of Soleá that served as a meeting point for the Korean tradicional melodies of Chungmori, as they both had a very similar rhythm metric.
Primera pedra d’un important pont cultural
The connexion between the centres was made with DVTS, a multiplatform system that allows to send and receive the video and audio signals through the Internet. The software permitted that audio and video from Citilab and KAIST were synchronized in a way that it looked as if the groups were sharing the space, despite the distances.
This experience can be the launching point for the creation of a stable channel of collaboration and interchange between Korean musicians and researchers, and the ones in our country.
MUSICAL FUSION 10.000 Km apart
A technological stable environment: technology at the service of the popular culture
Thanks to the collaboration between Musiclab and the i2cat Foundation, this experience triggers the progress in the investigation of new formats and contents applied to culture. Thanks to this new stable technical protocol, there’s a new scenario regarding the functionality of the technology applied to the future of cultural traditional contents. This project demonstrates that creative content can be developed without technology being an obstruction, but above all it can be functional, and suitable for many social classes from proffesors to peasants.
An online cultural bridge: euroasiatic cultural connexion.
The experience bring new possibilities regarding the communication and the interaction between cultures. The fact that two musical traditions, the mediterranian rhythmic tradition and the Korean musical tradition, were able to connect musically mean that technology enabled the communication between two world that “a priori” disconnected. Worlds that found a common ground in their tradition, that opens a very interesting path for interaction.
This presents the possibility that:
- different intercontinental cultural currents can start to interlace sustainable projects that ease up the interaction and the communication of sectors that have historic contents in their representations.
- we open a new door for the socialization of culture from the global point of view. Generating the conditions for a shared culture withouth leaving behind the patrimoni that each culture has.
New online intercultural contents serving tradition.