First interactive pedagogic session DRUMS
Posted by sergioramos on Feb 8, 2011 in Blog | 0 commentsFirst interactive pedagogic session of MUSICLAB 2011 programme.
Online interactive musical pedagogic activity
The first session of Musiclab 2011 was remarkable from our point of view and the students of the two centers involved. The connexion from the studio at Citilab-Cornellà was made with the “Sala Salamandra” in l’Hospitalet de Llobregat with the participation of students in the style of percussion, and students from the “Centre d’Arts” of the same town.
The protagonist of the session were the drums. Sergio Ramos Cebrián played different rythmic patterns starting in triplets and explaning some of the rhythmic formulas of tradicional mediterranian music, to inspire and suggest different ways of bringing them to the drum kit. The assistants were able to actively participate in the session, having the possibility to play those rhythms from their class with their percussion instruments. Many students had the feeling that time flew by at the end of the session, so we believe that that really enjoyed this new form of musical pedagogy.
Musiclab is preparing for the following activities. On thursday 10th of February there will be a new experimental session for online musical interactivity. Aleix Tobias, expert in “iberic percussion, will be with us for next pedagogic session.